Monday, September 10, 2012

More Cards I Would Like To See Made...

Tonight I have not much to write about, so I like to goto the history books...

Three weeks ago I wrote a blog about Remember The Pilots and also I sometimes get bored and doodle on Paint making cards I wish they would create in some form or insert.  I blogged a few days ago that Topps tends to over use their old base card designs, each year it seems Mantle has another 1952 reprint made.  Then a few years ago Topps had first couples as an insert...really?  How about some various history sets, like a set specializing in moved teams, such as below...

The back could have information on the short histories, and why they moved.  There are a vast amount of historical aspects of the game other than typical depicted greats of the 40s, 50s, and 60s.  I give Upper Deck tons of props for making a near 5,000 card set depicting every New York Yankees game, and even 2008 Documentary (though I really didn't like the lack of photo/names).  I know Topps has manufactured Pilots patch cards, but I would like to see a set showing the histories of, Boston Braves, St. Louis Browns, K.C. A's, Seattle Pilots, Montreal Expos, Milwaukee Braves...etc.  I am just a small blogger blogging about what I would like to see in the hobby, in hopes someone would see and think it was a good idea.  Also it could include relics from each team as below.

Hope you enjoyed the ideas, sorry the designs kinda suck!  Would any of you consider these types of cards collectible?


  1. Don't know if you saw it or not but you won the contest over at my blog. Shoot me your address and I have a bunch of cards to send your way.

  2. Something tells me that Topps has a stack of Montreal Expos Jersey pieces they would love to get rid of-they ought to use this idea!!! Good stuff!


No negative comments please, this blog is for fun and not intended as a business...just a collector giving some views.