Friday, September 7, 2012

Just had to buy a pack...2012 Topps WWE

Every now and then I will pick up a random item, sometimes something like Mars Attack, Little Ponies (for my daugthers of course), and the new 2012 WWE Topps.  There is now Retail Blasters stating one relic per box, but I couldn't get myself to spend $20 on a sport that I really don't know anything about, other than Jon Cena only because he is the dad on Nickelodeon's hit show "FRED". I ended up pulling my scariest card I have in my collection, R-Truth (Ron Killings).  Though I have never heard of him, I really like the relic!  I just have to cover his evil look.  I think I got my one pack fix, I will leave the rest of the cards for the real fans! But as a collector, having some diversity in a collection is pretty neat!


Overall, for a $1.99 I am pleased with it!  It is much better than an event used mat like I have gotten for the past few years.  Though it is funny it is a event used shirt, but pictured without a shirt! haha!


  1. Very nice pack! I love the Topps WWE product. I can't wait to rip me some.

  2. I got a box last year, got a cool event mat, but I guess since I don't follow the WWE (just like golf) I don't really know who is good or not.


No negative comments please, this blog is for fun and not intended as a business...just a collector giving some views.