I have been waiting, just like all of you, for about three weeks to figure out exactly how this years game cards will work. Just like this years baseball, Topps has done away with getting a random card with every code. Each code gives you a chance to win a card instantly or receive a team coin that can be used to play a weekly NFL score game. For Better Rules and to Login Here
I only had two codes, I got a Patriots and a Colts coin. Then I picked a combined points for all games for a tiebreaker. There seems to be a draw back to us average collector, it always seems that the big hits and autographs always go to the first person or group of people to collect all the coins. I know I can afford to buy a case of Topps Hobby cards in hopes to get a couple hundred of these code cards. In this years baseball I have unlocked 21 cards and have only won a single card and traded it for a Tulo right away of course! I remember going to a hobby store last year, and I asked the owner what he was going to do with all the codes (he had hundreds) just thrown around behind his counter. He said people opening packs just throw them because they don't want to waste time. I asked him if I could have some, he said no that he was going to redeem them all sometime soon. I thought that is kind of shitty because he already made his money selling the pack, and now he may get some pretty cool redemption's. I ended up spending about $30 on a few packs and he couldn't even throw in a few of the game cards. It was the last time I went to that mans shop.
Let me know if any of you average collectors get anything good in this years game time Topps game, I'll keep you posted on my end too!
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