Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Goodwill Find! - Vol. 1 : 1991 Pro Set PGA Box Set

1991 Pro Set PGA Gold Box Set

I don't normally collect golf cards, but yesterday while my wife was sleeping recovering from her accident in the hospital I went to grab a quick bite to eat.  It was Chinese food so I had to wait and next door is a Goodwill so I popped in for a few minutes.  What I found was something I couldn't pass up.

In the toy isle I seen this box marked for $2 and it was still unopened!  In this set there 285 cards to include several golf legends such as Arnold Palmer, Jack Nichols, and the ever collectible Gibbey Gibler!  (yes that is his real name)  Since there weren't very many golf products around then, most of the players listed in this set are considered "Rookie Cards".  Only in golf can someone who is 55 years old and named Orville have a rookie card.

What appeals to me about this box set is that I have actually heard of about 25% of these guys unlike the Pro Set Euro Soccer set also released that year.  Unlike other sports like football, hockey, and baseball, golf had yet really been a subject of a true card set.  Inside the box as an added insert is a PGA Golf Sticker Card, and a bonus Deane Beman Commissioner Card. Now I need to make fun of two cards, just because this is golf.

How many of us watch golf on CBS and ever see a golfer playing smoking a cigar?  Can you imagine any other sport where a pro can play while smoking a cigar?  If you love golf, it is a pretty cool set to have, but if it was anything over $2 I would have passed.  As I usually do after each review I like to make make my own funny card that has something to do with the review and the set.  This set reminds me of the Adam Sandler movie "Happy Gilmore", enjoy!

Does anyone else collect golf cards or have anything related? 

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